In life we often hear people say that the X was a man of high discipline, while the Y people are less disciplined. The name of people who have a high discipline usually drawn to people who always come on time, obey the rules, behave in accordance with prevailing norms, and the like. Conversely, as people who lack discipline is usually directed to people who lack or fail to comply with applicable rules and regulations, both sourced from the public (convention-informal), the government or the rules established by a particular institution (organizational-formal).
A student in participating in learning activities in schools will not be separated from the various rules and regulations in force at his school, and each student is required to behave in accordance with the rules and regulations that are applicable in their schools. Compliance and adherence students to the various rules and regulations that are applicable in their schools has been dubbed student discipline. While regulation, order, and various other provisions that attempt to regulate student behavior called school discipline. School discipline is a business school to maintain student behavior so as not to deviate and to encourage students to behave in accordance with the norms, rules and regulations prevailing in the school. According to Wikipedia (1993) that school discipline "refers to students complying with a code of behavior Often known as the school rules. The meaning of school rules (school rule), such as rules about dress standards (standards of clothing), punctuality, social behavior and ethics of study / work. Definition of school discipline is sometimes applied also to impose penalties (sanctions) as a consequence of violation of the rules, although sometimes a matter of controversy in applying the method pendisiplinannya, so caught up in the form of physical treatment errors (physical maltreatment) and error psychological treatment (psychological maltreatment), as disclosed by Irwin A. Hyman and Pamela A. Snock in his book "Dangerous School" (1999).With regard to the purpose of school discipline, Maman Rachman (1999) argued that the purpose of school discipline are: (1) provide support for the creation of behavior that is not distorted, (2) encourage students to do good and true, (3) help students understand and adjust to with the demands of their environment and avoid doing things that are prohibited by the school, and (4) students learn to live with the habits of good and beneficial for him and his environment. Meanwhile, by quoting the thought Moles, Joan Gaustad (1992) suggests: "School discipline has two main goals: (1) Ensure the safety of staff and students, and (2) create an environment conducive to learning". Meanwhile, Wendy Schwartz (2001) states that "the goals of discipline, once the need for it is determined, Should Be to help students accept personal responsibility for Their actions, understand why a behavior change is Necessary, and commit themselves to change." Similar stated by Wikipedia (1993) that the purpose of school discipline is to create security and a comfortable learning environment, especially in the classroom. In the classroom, if a teacher is unable to impose discipline properly then students may become less motivated and acquire a certain emphasis, and the atmosphere of learning to be less conducive to student achievement.Devis Keith said, "Discipline is management action to Enforce standarts organization" and therefore it is necessary to develop preventive and corrective discipline. Preventive discipline, namely the effort to move students to follow and comply with regulations. With it all, students are disciplined and can maintain itself against the rules. Corrective discipline, which attempts to direct the student to remain in compliance with regulations. For those who violate sanctioned to give lessons and repair itself so that to maintain and follow the rules.Talking about school discipline can not be released to issues in students' negative behavior. Negative behaviors that occur among teenage students in recent years seems to have very mengkhawarirkan, such as: free sex life, involvement in drugs, gang motorcycle and various actions that lead to the other criminal, who can not only hurt yourself, but also detrimental to the general public. In the internal environment of any violation of school rules and school rules are still frequently found violations that ranged from mild to high-level violations, such as: case truant, fighting, cheating, pemalakan, theft and other forms of deviant behavior only lainnya.Tentu , all it takes steps to prevent and penanggulangganya, and this is where the importance of school discipline.Student behavior is formed and influenced by various factors, including environmental factors, family and school.
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