One of the principle that each individual development will have a specific development phase, which extends throughout his life. At each phase of development characterized by a number of specific development tasks that should to be completed.
The duties of this development with regard to attitudes, behaviors and skills that should be controlled according to age or phase of development. Havighurst (Abin Makmun Shamsuddin, 2009) provide an understanding of the tasks of development that: "A developmental task is a task the which arises at or about a perform certain period in the life of the individual, succesful achievement of the which leads to his happiness and to success with later tasks, while failure leads to unhappiness in the individual, disaproval by society, difficulty with later tasks "..The task of individual development based on the following factors: (1) physical maturity, (2) the demands of society as a cultural, (3) demands and encouragement and ideals of the individual, and (4) religious norms.
For more details, under this proposed job description of each phase of development by Havighurst.
1. The Infant Development Tasks and Early Child (0,0-6.0)
* Learning to walk at age 9.0 - 15.0 months.
* Learning to eat solid food.
* Learning to speak.
* Learning to urinate and defecate.
* Learning to know the difference between the sexes.
* Achieve physical physiological stability.
* Forming simple concepts of social reality and nature.
* Learning to make emotional connections with parents, siblings, and others.
* Learning to make good and bad relationships and development of conscience.
2. Development Tasks End Childhood and School Children (6,0-12.0)
* Learning to acquire the physical skills to do the game.
* Learn to form a healthy attitude toward themselves as biological beings.
* Learning to get along with peers.
* Learning to play the role according to gender.
* Learn basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic.
* Learn to develop these concepts daily.
* Develop a conscience.
* Learning to gain personal freedom.
* Develop a positive attitude toward social groups.
3. The Youth Development Task (12.0-21.0)
* Achieve a more mature relationships with peers.
* Achieving social role as a male or female.
* Receive the physical state and use it effectively.
* Achieve emotional independence from parents and other adults.
* Achieving assurance of economic independence.
* Selecting and preparing for a career.
* Preparing for marriage and family life.
* Develop the intellectual skills and concepts necessary for citizens.
* Achieving behavior that is socially responsible.
* Obtain a set of ethical value system as a guide / mentor in the act.
4. The Early Adult Development Tasks
* Choosing a partner.
* Learning to live with a partner.
* Starting life with a partner.
* Maintain the child.
* Managing the household.
* Started working.
* Taking responsibility as citizens.
* Find a matching group.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education (2003) provide details on the development task of adolescence to the age of junior and SMTA, which serve as reference Competency Standards Guidance and Counselling Services in schools, namely:
1. Development of Junior High Level Task
* Achieve personal development as a teenager and devoted believers in God the Almighty.
* Prepare yourself, accept and be positive and dynamic of the physical and psychological changes that occur to yourself for a healthy life.
* Achieving the pattern of relationships with peers in his role as a male or female.
* Strengthening the values and way of behaving that are acceptable in a broader social life.
* Know Your talent abilities, and interests and career trends and art appreciation.
* Develop knowledge and skills appropriate to their needs to follow and pursue studies and careers or prepare for and participate in public life.
* Know the image and attitude about independent living emotionally, socially and economically.
* Know the system of ethics and values as a guide to life as individuals, members of the community and human interest.
2. Task Progress High School Students
* Achieving maturity in faith and devoted to God Almighty
* Achieving maturity in peer relationships, and maturity in the role of men and women.
* Achieve a healthy physical growth maturation
* Develop a mastery of science, technology, and art in accordance with the program curriculum, career preparation and continuing higher education and also play a role in the life of the wider society.
* Achieving maturity in career choices
* Achieve a picture of maturity and self-reliant attitude about life emotionally, socially, intellectually and economically.
* Achieve a picture of maturity and attitude about berkehidupan family, society, nation and state.
* Develop social communication skills and intellectual and artistic appreciation.
* Achieving maturity in ethics and value systems.
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