Higher Education : Sesudah menyelesaikan high school (twelfth grade), mereka dapat melanjutkan studinya ke college atau university. Higher Education: After completing high school (Twelfth grade), they can continue their studies to a college or university. Pendidikan di college atau university ini dikenal sebagai pendidikan tinggi ("higher education"). Education at a college or university is known as higher education ("higher education"). Kita harus tahu jenjang pendidikan di negara kita yang setingkat dengan twelfth grade di AS. We must know the level of education in our country with Twelfth grade level in the U.S.. Kita juga harus memastikan apakah perlu menempuh 1-2 tahun persiapan sebelum dapat mendaftar ke sekolah di AS. We must also ascertain whether the need to take 1-2 years of preparation before it can apply to schools in the U.S.. Di beberapa negara, pemerintah dan swasta kadang-kadang tidak mengakui gelar yang kita dapat di AS jika kita masuk ke salah satu college sebelum lulus SLTA. In some countries, governments and the private sector sometimes do not recognize the degree that we can in the U.S. if we go to one of college before graduating high school.
Pendidikan di college atau university yang memberikan gelar Bachelor dikenal sebagai pendidikan "undergraduate". Education at a college or university that provides a Bachelor of education known as "undergraduate". Pendidikan lanjutannya disebut pendidikan "graduate" atau "post-graduate". Continuation of education called education "graduate" or "post-graduate". Pendidikan lanjutan atau pendidikan graduate meliputi hukum, medical, MBA, dan Ph.D. Continuing education or graduate education includes legal, medical, MBA, and Ph.D. (doktor). (Doctorate).
Di mana kita menempuh pendidikan tinggi di AS Where we travel in the U.S. higher education
1. State College atau State University : State school atau sekolah negeri didukung atau diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah (negara bagian atau pemerintah daerah). 1. State College or State University: State school or public school is supported or held by the government (state or local government). Ke 50 negara bagian di AS masing-masing memiliki paling tidak satu universitas negeri dan kemungkinan beberapa college negeri. To 50 states in the U.S. each have at least one state university and possibly several state colleges. Beberapa sekolah negeri tersebut menggunakan kata "State" sebagai bagian dari namanya. Some schools are using the word "State" as part of its name.2. Private College atau Private University : College atau University ini diselenggarakan oleh swasta, bukan oleh pemerintah. 2. Private Private College or University: College or University is organized by the private sector, not by the government. Biaya kuliah di sana biasanya lebih tinggi dibanding sekolah negeri. Tuition there is usually higher than public schools. Sekolah-sekolah ini juga kebanyakan lebih kecil dibanding sekolah negeri. These schools are also smaller than most public schools.
3. Two-Year College : Two-year college menerima mahasiswa lulusan high school dan memberikan Associate Degree. 3. Two-Year College: Two-year colleges admit students graduate high school and provide an Associate Degree. Lembaga pendidikan tinggi ini ada yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah, ada juga yang oleh swasta. Higher education institutions have organized by the government, there are also private. Kita harus memastikan apakah gelar yang diberikan oleh lembaga ini diakui oleh pemerintah atau swasta di negara kita. We must ascertain whether the degree granted by this institution recognized by the government or the private sector in our country. Lulusan two-year college atau junior college ini biasanya melanjutkan ke college atau university untuk mendapatkan gelar Bachelor dengan menempuh dua tahun atau lebih pendidikan lanjutan. Graduates of two-year college or junior college is usually went to college or university to obtain a Bachelor's degree by taking two or more years of advanced education.
4. Community College : Ini adalah pendidikan di college selama dua tahun yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah atau masyarakat. 4. Community College: This is education at the college for two years held by the government or the public. Community college melayani komunitas lokal, biasanya suatu kota atau wilayah. Community colleges serve local communities, usually a city or region. Banyak dari mahasiswanya yang tinggal di rumah, atau para pekerja yang mengambil kelas sore. Many of the students who live at home, or the workers who take evening classes.
Seringkali community college ini menerima juga mahasiswa asing. Often these community colleges also accept foreign students. Banyak dari sekolah ini yang menawarkan layanan khusus kepada para mahasiswa tersebut seperti tutorial gratis. Many of these schools that offer special services to students such as free tutorials. Banyak juga yang menawarkan program bahasa Inggris (ESL - English as a Second Language) secara intensif. Many also offer English language programs (ESL - Home as a Second Language) intensively. Mahasiswa setiap kelasnya biasanya sedikit dan tidak begitu kompetitif dibanding universitas negeri yang besar. Students of each class is usually less and less competitive than a large state university.
Banyak comunnity college yang menawarkan program transfer. Comunnity many colleges that offer transfer programs. Mahasiswa yang sudah menyelesaikan program ini dapat mentransfer kreditnya ke college atau university untuk melanjutkan ke pendidikan undergraduate. Students who have completed this program may transfer credits to a college or university to continue to undergraduate education. Program transfer ini bisa banyak membantu mahasiswa asing. This transfer program can help a lot of foreign students. Dua tahun di community college memberi kesempatan kepada mereka untuk memperbaiki kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya sementara mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem pendidikan dan pola hidup di AS. Two years at community college to give them the opportunity to improve their English skills while they adjust to the educational system and lifestyle in the U.S..
Selain program transfer, community college menawarkan berbagai pilihan vocational (job-training) program. In addition to transfer programs, community colleges offer a wide selection of vocational (job-training) program. Program-program ini menyiapkan mahasiswa ke berbagai peluang karir, mulai dari administrasi bisnis dan pemrogram komputer, sampai ke perawat, fashion design dan manajemen hotel/restoran. These programs prepare students to various career opportunities, ranging from business administration and computer programmers, to the nurse, fashion design and management of hotel / restaurant. Mahasiswa yang menyelesaikan program ini akan memperoleh gelar atau sertifikat. Students who complete this program will earn a degree or certificate.
Beberapa community college menyediakan perumahan dan layanan konsultasi yang mungkin dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa asing. Some community colleges provide housing and counseling services that may be needed by foreign students.
Sekali lagi, pastikan bahwa gelar dari community college ini dapat digunakan untuk mencari pekerjaan di tanah air. Once again, make sure that a degree from a community college can be used to search for jobs in the homeland. Sebagian besar negara, tetapi tidak semua, mengakui gelar ini. Most countries, but not all, recognize this title.
5. Professional School : Professional school mendidik mahasiswanya dalam bidang-bidang seperti seni, musik, rekayasa, bisnis, dan profesi-profesi lainnya. 5. Professional School: Professional School to educate students in such fields as art, music, engineering, business and other professions. Beberapa di antaranya merupakan bagian dari universitas, sebagian lagi merupakan sekolah tersendiri. Some of them are part of the university, some longer a separate school. Beberapa professional school menawarkan gelar graduate. Some professional school offering graduate degrees.
6. Institute of Technology : Ini adalah sekolah yang membutuhkan paling tidak empat tahun masa belajar di bidang sain dan teknologi. 6. Institute of Technology: This is a school that requires at least four years of study in science and technology. Beberapa di antaranya memiliki program graduate. Some of them have graduate programs. Yang lainnya serupa dengan community dan junior college serta menawarkan program-program yang lebih pendek di bidang yang lebih mudah. The others are similar to community and junior colleges as well as offer programs that are shorter in the field easier.
7. Technical Institute : Di technical institute diajarkan bidang-bidang seperti teknologi medis atau teknik industri. 7. Technical Institute: The institute is taught technical fields such as medical technology or industrial engineering. Walaupun pendidikan ini dapat memberi bekal untuk karir yang kita inginkan, gelar yang kita dapat di sini tidak selalu ekuivalen dengan gelar dari college atau university. Although education is to give provision for careers that we want, the degree to which we can here are not always equivalent to a degree from a college or university. Beberapa college dan university tidak mengakui kredit dari lembaga ini dalam program transfer. Some colleges and universities do not recognize credits from this institution in the transfer program. Jika kita bermaksud mengikuti pendidikan di salah satu technical institute ini, periksa lebih dulu apakah pemerintah kita, college, atau university di AS mengakui gelar yang diberikan. If we intend to follow education in one of the technical institute, first check whether our government, college, or university in the U.S. recognize the title given.
8. Church-related School : Banyak college dan university di AS yang didirikan oleh lembaga-lembaga keagamaan. 8. Church-related School: Many colleges and universities in the U.S. which was founded by religious institutions. Walaupun demikian hubungan antara sekolah dan organisasi pendirinya bisa sangat fleksibel. Nevertheless the relationship between the school and its founder could be very flexible organization. Kadang-kadang sekolah ini lebih menyukai mahasiswa yang datang dari latar belakang yang sama dengan pendirinya. Sometimes these schools prefer students who come from backgrounds similar to the founders. Tetapi hampir semua sekolah menerima mahasiswa dari agama dan kepercayaan apapun. But almost all schools admit students of any religion and belief.
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