
Saturday, March 19, 2011

About Maslow's Needs Theory Applications in Schools

Thinking about the theory of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Individuals already widely known, but their application to educational interests of students in school seems to have not received full attention. Ideally, in order to achieve personal development of students, schools should provide and meet the various needs of their students.
The following is a summary of several possibilities that can be done in schools in applying the theory of Maslow's needs.
1. Physiological Needs Fulfillment:

* Provides a low-cost lunch programs or even free.
* Provide classrooms with adequate capacity and proper temperature
* Provide shower / toilet in balanced amounts.
* Provide space and land to rest for the student representative.
2. Meeting the Safety Needs:

* The attitude of the teacher: fun, able to demonstrate acceptance of their students, and do not indicate a threat or be judgmental.
* The existence of consistent expectations
* Controlling the behavior of students in the class / school to implement a fair system of student discipline.
* More provide reinforcement behavior (reinforcement) through praise / reward for all the positive behavior of students from the provision of punishment for negative behavior of students.
3. Meeting the Needs Love or Acceptance:
a. Teacher Relationship with Student:

* Teachers can display the personality traits: empathic, caring and intereres against student, patient, fair, open and can be a good listener.
* Teachers can apply learning and to understand their students individua (needs, potentials, interests, personality characteristics and background)
* Teachers provide comments and more positive feedback than negative.
* Teachers can appreciate and respect every thought, opinion and decision of every student.
* Teacher can be a helper who can be relied upon and give credence to their students.
b. Student Relationship with Student:

* Schools to develop a situation that allows the creation of mutualistic cooperation and mutual trust among students
* Schools can organize a class meeting, through various forums, such as sports or arts.
* Schools to develop class discussions that are not just for the sake of learning.
* School developed a peer tutor
* Schools to develop other forms of extra-curricular activities that range.
4. Meeting the Needs of Self-Esteem:
a. Students Develop Self-Esteem

* Develop new knowledge based on students' background knowledge (scaffolding)
* Develop a learning system appropriate to the needs of students
* Focusing on strengths and assets owned by each student
* Develop a variety of learning strategies
* Always ready to provide assistance if students have difficulty
* Involve all students in the class to berpartisipai and responsible.
* When it comes to disciplining students, wherever mengkin done privately, not in public.
b. Award from the other party

* Develop a classroom climate and cooperative learning where every student can be mutual respect and trust, do not mock each other.
* Develop a program "star of the week"
* Develop an awards program for the work, effort and achievement obtained by students.
* Develop a curriculum that can deliver every sisiwa to have an empathic attitude and be a good listener.
* Trying to engage students in any decision-making related to the interests of the students themselves.
c. Knowledge and Understanding

* Provide opportunities for students to explore areas that would like to know.
* Provide learning that provides intellectual challenge through discovery-inquiry approach
* Provide learning topics with a variety of viewpoints
* Provide opportunities for students to philosophical thinking and discussion.
d. Aesthetic

* Organize classroom is neat and attractive
* Pasting things interesting in the walls of the room, including works of art memampangkan students who are considered attractive.
* The room was painted with colors that are fun
* Maintain facilities and pre-existing facilities at the school around
* The rooms are clean and fragrant
* There are classrooms and school gardens landscaped
5. Meeting the Needs Self Akatualisasi

* Provide opportunities for students to do their best
* Provide insensitivity to the students to dig and explore the capabilities and potentials
* Creating meaningful learning linked to real life.
* Planning and learning process that involves a meta-cognitive activity of students.
* Involve students in projects or activities of "self-expressive" and creative

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