Learning is one of the factors that influence and was instrumental in the formation of personal and individual behavior. Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata (2005) mentions that some of the greatest individual development takes place throughlearning activities. So, what actually learn it?Below is presented on the definition of learning from the experts:
* Moh. Surya (1997): "learning can be interpreted as a process conducted by an individual to acquire new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of the individual's own experience in interacting with their environment."
* Witherington (1952): "learning is a change in personality that is manifested as patterns of response that a new form of skills, attitudes, habits, knowledge and skills."
* Crow & Crow, and (1958): "learning is acquired habits, knowledge and new attitude."
* Hilgard (1962): "learning is the process whereby a behavior appears behaviors arise or change due to a response to anything the situation"
* In Vesta and Thompson (1970): "learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience."
* Gage & Berliner: "learning is a process of behavior change that comes from experience"
From some understanding of learning mentioned above, the keywords of learning is behavioral change. In this case, Moh Surya (1997) revealed the characteristics of behavioral changes, namely:
1. Changes in conscious and deliberate (intentional).
Changes in behavior that occurs is a conscious and deliberate effort of the individuals concerned. So also with the results, the individual realizes that in itself has been a change, for example, increasing knowledge or skills increased, compared to before he followed a process of learning. For example, a student is learning about educational psychology. He realized that he was trying to learn about the Psychology of Education. Similarly, after studying Educational Psychology he realizes that he has been a change in behavior, to gain some knowledge, attitudes and skills related to Educational Psychology.
2. Changes in continuous (continuous).
Increased knowledge or skill possessed basically a continuation of the knowledge and skills that have been obtained previously. Likewise, knowledge, attitudes and skills that have been obtained, it will become the basis for the development of knowledge, attitude and skills of the next. For example, a student has studied Educational Psychology of the "Essentials of Learning". When he followed the course "Teaching and Learning Strategies", then the knowledge, attitude and skills of "Essentials of Learning" will be continued and can be used in following the course "Teaching and Learning Strategies."
3. Changes in the functional.
Any behavior changes that occur can be exploited for the benefit of the individual life, both for the benefit of present and future. Example: a student learning about educational psychology, the knowledge and skills in educational psychology can be utilized to learn and develop themselves and learn behavior and the behavior of the learners develop later when she became a teacher.
4. The changes are positive.
Behavioral changes that occur are normative and shows the direction of progress. For example, a student before learning about the Psychology of Education considers that in the Process of Teaching and Learning does not need to consider individual differences or personal development and behavior of learners, but after following learning Educational Psychology, he understands and intends to apply the principle - the principle of individual differences and the principles of development of the individual if he would become a teacher.
5. Changes which are active.
To obtain the new behavior, the individual actively seeks to make changes. For example, students want to acquire new knowledge about educational psychology, the student is actively engaged in reading and reviewing educational psychology books, discussing with friends about the psychology of education and so forth.
6. The changes are permanent.
Changes in behavior obtained from the learning process tends to settle and become an inherent part of himself. For example, students learn to use a computer, then the mastery of skills to operate computers will be settled and stick in the student.
7. The changes are aimed and directed.
Individual learning activities there must be objective to be achieved, both short-term goals, medium term and long term. For example, a student studying educational psychology, goal to be achieved in the short term maybe he wants to acquire the knowledge, attitude and skills of educational psychology in the form of graduation to earn an A. While the long-term goals he wants to be effective teachers with adequate competence of Educational Psychology. Various activities carried out and directed to achieve these goals.
8. Changes in behavior as a whole.
Studying behavior change is not merely acquiring knowledge only, but including also obtain a change in attitude and skill. For example, students learn about "Learning Theories", in addition to obtaining information or knowledge about "Learning Theories", he also obtained an attitude about the importance of a master teacher "of Theories of Learning". Likewise, he obtained a skill in applying the "Theories of Learning".
According to Gagne (Abin Makmun Shamsuddin, 2003), changes in behavior that is the result of learning may take the form:
1. Verbal information, namely the mastery of information in verbal form, either in writing or written, for example giving the names of an object, definition, and so forth.
2. Intellectual skills; the individual skills in interacting with their environment using symbols, for example: the use of mathematical symbols. Included in intellectual skills is a skill in distinguishing (discrimination), understand the concept of concrete, abstract concepts, rules and laws. These skills are needed in dealing with problem-solving.
3. Cognitive strategies; ability of individuals to perform the overall control and management activities. In the context of the learning process, cognitive strategies is the ability to control memory and the way - the way of thinking for effective activity occurs. Intellectual skills focus on learning outcomes, while cognitive strategies more emphasis on the thinking process.
4. Attitude; the learning outcomes of individual skill to choose the kinds of actions to be taken. In other words. Attitude is a state within the individual who will provide vertindak trend in the face of an object or event, in which there are elements of thought, feelings that accompany thinking and readiness to act.
5. Motor skills; is the result of learning in the form of skills which are controlled by muscle movement and physical.
Meanwhile, Moh. Surya (1997) argued that the study will appear in:
1. Habits, such as: learners learn a language many times to avoid the tendency of using the wrong word or structure, so that eventually he was accustomed to use language properly and correctly.
2. Skills, such as: writing and exercise that although it is motor skills that require precise motor coordination and awareness is high.
3. Observation; the process to receive, interpret and give meaning to incoming stimuli through the senses in an objective manner so that students are able to achieve the correct understanding.
4. Associative thinking, ie thinking in a way to associate something with others using the memory.
5. Rational and critical thinking that is using the principles and basics of understanding in answering critical questions such as "how" (how) and "why" (why).
6. The attitude that is relatively permanent tendency to react with how good or bad to certain people or goods in accordance with the knowledge and belief.
7. Inhibition (to avoid things that redundant).
8. Appreciation (appreciate the works of quality.
9. Affective behavior ie behavior that concerned with feelings of fear, anger, sadness, joy, disappointment, love, hate, anxiety and so forth.
Meanwhile, according to Bloom, the behavior changes that occur as a result of learning involves changes in the areas (domains), cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of its aspects and levels.
* Moh. Surya (1997): "learning can be interpreted as a process conducted by an individual to acquire new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of the individual's own experience in interacting with their environment."
* Witherington (1952): "learning is a change in personality that is manifested as patterns of response that a new form of skills, attitudes, habits, knowledge and skills."
* Crow & Crow, and (1958): "learning is acquired habits, knowledge and new attitude."
* Hilgard (1962): "learning is the process whereby a behavior appears behaviors arise or change due to a response to anything the situation"
* In Vesta and Thompson (1970): "learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience."
* Gage & Berliner: "learning is a process of behavior change that comes from experience"
From some understanding of learning mentioned above, the keywords of learning is behavioral change. In this case, Moh Surya (1997) revealed the characteristics of behavioral changes, namely:
1. Changes in conscious and deliberate (intentional).
Changes in behavior that occurs is a conscious and deliberate effort of the individuals concerned. So also with the results, the individual realizes that in itself has been a change, for example, increasing knowledge or skills increased, compared to before he followed a process of learning. For example, a student is learning about educational psychology. He realized that he was trying to learn about the Psychology of Education. Similarly, after studying Educational Psychology he realizes that he has been a change in behavior, to gain some knowledge, attitudes and skills related to Educational Psychology.
2. Changes in continuous (continuous).
Increased knowledge or skill possessed basically a continuation of the knowledge and skills that have been obtained previously. Likewise, knowledge, attitudes and skills that have been obtained, it will become the basis for the development of knowledge, attitude and skills of the next. For example, a student has studied Educational Psychology of the "Essentials of Learning". When he followed the course "Teaching and Learning Strategies", then the knowledge, attitude and skills of "Essentials of Learning" will be continued and can be used in following the course "Teaching and Learning Strategies."
3. Changes in the functional.
Any behavior changes that occur can be exploited for the benefit of the individual life, both for the benefit of present and future. Example: a student learning about educational psychology, the knowledge and skills in educational psychology can be utilized to learn and develop themselves and learn behavior and the behavior of the learners develop later when she became a teacher.
4. The changes are positive.
Behavioral changes that occur are normative and shows the direction of progress. For example, a student before learning about the Psychology of Education considers that in the Process of Teaching and Learning does not need to consider individual differences or personal development and behavior of learners, but after following learning Educational Psychology, he understands and intends to apply the principle - the principle of individual differences and the principles of development of the individual if he would become a teacher.
5. Changes which are active.
To obtain the new behavior, the individual actively seeks to make changes. For example, students want to acquire new knowledge about educational psychology, the student is actively engaged in reading and reviewing educational psychology books, discussing with friends about the psychology of education and so forth.
6. The changes are permanent.
Changes in behavior obtained from the learning process tends to settle and become an inherent part of himself. For example, students learn to use a computer, then the mastery of skills to operate computers will be settled and stick in the student.
7. The changes are aimed and directed.
Individual learning activities there must be objective to be achieved, both short-term goals, medium term and long term. For example, a student studying educational psychology, goal to be achieved in the short term maybe he wants to acquire the knowledge, attitude and skills of educational psychology in the form of graduation to earn an A. While the long-term goals he wants to be effective teachers with adequate competence of Educational Psychology. Various activities carried out and directed to achieve these goals.
8. Changes in behavior as a whole.
Studying behavior change is not merely acquiring knowledge only, but including also obtain a change in attitude and skill. For example, students learn about "Learning Theories", in addition to obtaining information or knowledge about "Learning Theories", he also obtained an attitude about the importance of a master teacher "of Theories of Learning". Likewise, he obtained a skill in applying the "Theories of Learning".
According to Gagne (Abin Makmun Shamsuddin, 2003), changes in behavior that is the result of learning may take the form:
1. Verbal information, namely the mastery of information in verbal form, either in writing or written, for example giving the names of an object, definition, and so forth.
2. Intellectual skills; the individual skills in interacting with their environment using symbols, for example: the use of mathematical symbols. Included in intellectual skills is a skill in distinguishing (discrimination), understand the concept of concrete, abstract concepts, rules and laws. These skills are needed in dealing with problem-solving.
3. Cognitive strategies; ability of individuals to perform the overall control and management activities. In the context of the learning process, cognitive strategies is the ability to control memory and the way - the way of thinking for effective activity occurs. Intellectual skills focus on learning outcomes, while cognitive strategies more emphasis on the thinking process.
4. Attitude; the learning outcomes of individual skill to choose the kinds of actions to be taken. In other words. Attitude is a state within the individual who will provide vertindak trend in the face of an object or event, in which there are elements of thought, feelings that accompany thinking and readiness to act.
5. Motor skills; is the result of learning in the form of skills which are controlled by muscle movement and physical.
Meanwhile, Moh. Surya (1997) argued that the study will appear in:
1. Habits, such as: learners learn a language many times to avoid the tendency of using the wrong word or structure, so that eventually he was accustomed to use language properly and correctly.
2. Skills, such as: writing and exercise that although it is motor skills that require precise motor coordination and awareness is high.
3. Observation; the process to receive, interpret and give meaning to incoming stimuli through the senses in an objective manner so that students are able to achieve the correct understanding.
4. Associative thinking, ie thinking in a way to associate something with others using the memory.
5. Rational and critical thinking that is using the principles and basics of understanding in answering critical questions such as "how" (how) and "why" (why).
6. The attitude that is relatively permanent tendency to react with how good or bad to certain people or goods in accordance with the knowledge and belief.
7. Inhibition (to avoid things that redundant).
8. Appreciation (appreciate the works of quality.
9. Affective behavior ie behavior that concerned with feelings of fear, anger, sadness, joy, disappointment, love, hate, anxiety and so forth.
Meanwhile, according to Bloom, the behavior changes that occur as a result of learning involves changes in the areas (domains), cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of its aspects and levels.
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