There was no denying that the field of psychology has long been used as the foundation of education in development theory and practice of education and has contributed greatly to education, including the development of curriculum, learning and assessment system.
1. Contributions to Psychology Education Curriculum Development.
Assessment of Educational Psychology in relation to curriculum development particularly with respect to understanding aspects of behavior in the context of teaching and learning. Apart from the various schools of psychology that characterizes education, in essence, this psychological study or pay attention to how in the put, the process and out of education to run with did not ignore the aspects of behavior and personality of students.Psychologically, humans are unique individuals. Thus, psychological studies in curriculum development should consider the uniqueness of every individual, both in terms of level of intelligence, abilities, attitudes, motivations, feelings and characteristics, other individual characteristics.Education curriculum should be able to provide the opportunity for every individual to be able to develop according to its potential, both in terms of subject matter and methods of delivery.In particular, in the context of education in Indonesia today, which developed the current curriculum is competency-based curriculum, which basically emphasizes on developing the knowledge, skills, and basic values are reflected in the habit of thinking and acting. The habit of thinking and act consistently and continuously allows someone to be competent, in the sense of having the knowledge, skills and values fundamental to do something.Thus in competency-based curriculum development, psychological assessment, especially regarding the following aspects: (1) the ability of students to do things in different contexts, (2) student learning experience, (3) learning outcomes (learning outcomes), and (4) standardization student ability
2. Contribution of Educational Psychology of Learning System
Educational psychology study has spawned various theories that underlie learning systems. We recognize the existence of a number of theories of learning, such as classical conditioning theory, connectionism, operant conditioning, gestalt, power theory, cognitive theory and other learning theories. Despite the controversy that accompanied the weaknesses of each theory, in reality these theories has contributed significantly in the learning process.In addition, the study of educational psychology also has spawned a number of principles that underlie learning activities Nasution (Daeng Sudirwo, 2002) explores the thirteen principles of learning, namely:
1. To be a really learn, he must have a purpose
2. The objective must arise from or relate to their needs and not because imposed by others.
3. The person must be willing to experience a variety of difficulties and trying diligently to achieve a worthy purpose for him.
4. Learning should be evident from the changes in his behavior.
5. In addition to our ultimate goal to be achieved, also obtained by-product.
6. Learn more successfully with street acts or conduct.
7. One learns as a whole, not just the intellectual aspects but also include aspects of emotional, social, ethical and so forth.
8. Someone needed help and guidance from others.
9. To learn needed insight. What is learned must be completely understood. Learning is not just memorize facts in verbalistis loose.
10. In addition to the actual pursuit of learning goals, a person often pursue other goals.
11. Learn more successfully, if the attempt to give a pleasant success.
12. Deuteronomy and the training necessary but must be preceded by the understanding.
13. Learning is only possible if there is a willingness and desire to learn.
3. Contribution of Educational Psychology of Assessment System
Penilaiain education is one important aspect of education in order to understand how far the level of educational success. Through psychological studies we can understand what behavioral development of students obtained after following a specific educational activity or learning.In addition, psychological studies have contributed significantly in the measurement of the potential of every learner, especially after the development of various psychological tests, both to measure the level of intelligence, talent and personality of individuals lainnya.Kita know a number of psychological testing that is currently widely used to measure the potential of an individual, such as the Multiple Aptitude Test (MAT), Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), Epps and other measuring instruments.Understanding intelligence, talents, interests and other aspects of personality through psychological measurement, has significance for efforts to develop the individual education process so that in turn can be achieved optimal individual development.
Therefore, the importance of mastery of educational psychology for the teacher in carrying out professional duties.
1. Contributions to Psychology Education Curriculum Development.
Assessment of Educational Psychology in relation to curriculum development particularly with respect to understanding aspects of behavior in the context of teaching and learning. Apart from the various schools of psychology that characterizes education, in essence, this psychological study or pay attention to how in the put, the process and out of education to run with did not ignore the aspects of behavior and personality of students.Psychologically, humans are unique individuals. Thus, psychological studies in curriculum development should consider the uniqueness of every individual, both in terms of level of intelligence, abilities, attitudes, motivations, feelings and characteristics, other individual characteristics.Education curriculum should be able to provide the opportunity for every individual to be able to develop according to its potential, both in terms of subject matter and methods of delivery.In particular, in the context of education in Indonesia today, which developed the current curriculum is competency-based curriculum, which basically emphasizes on developing the knowledge, skills, and basic values are reflected in the habit of thinking and acting. The habit of thinking and act consistently and continuously allows someone to be competent, in the sense of having the knowledge, skills and values fundamental to do something.Thus in competency-based curriculum development, psychological assessment, especially regarding the following aspects: (1) the ability of students to do things in different contexts, (2) student learning experience, (3) learning outcomes (learning outcomes), and (4) standardization student ability
2. Contribution of Educational Psychology of Learning System
Educational psychology study has spawned various theories that underlie learning systems. We recognize the existence of a number of theories of learning, such as classical conditioning theory, connectionism, operant conditioning, gestalt, power theory, cognitive theory and other learning theories. Despite the controversy that accompanied the weaknesses of each theory, in reality these theories has contributed significantly in the learning process.In addition, the study of educational psychology also has spawned a number of principles that underlie learning activities Nasution (Daeng Sudirwo, 2002) explores the thirteen principles of learning, namely:
1. To be a really learn, he must have a purpose
2. The objective must arise from or relate to their needs and not because imposed by others.
3. The person must be willing to experience a variety of difficulties and trying diligently to achieve a worthy purpose for him.
4. Learning should be evident from the changes in his behavior.
5. In addition to our ultimate goal to be achieved, also obtained by-product.
6. Learn more successfully with street acts or conduct.
7. One learns as a whole, not just the intellectual aspects but also include aspects of emotional, social, ethical and so forth.
8. Someone needed help and guidance from others.
9. To learn needed insight. What is learned must be completely understood. Learning is not just memorize facts in verbalistis loose.
10. In addition to the actual pursuit of learning goals, a person often pursue other goals.
11. Learn more successfully, if the attempt to give a pleasant success.
12. Deuteronomy and the training necessary but must be preceded by the understanding.
13. Learning is only possible if there is a willingness and desire to learn.
3. Contribution of Educational Psychology of Assessment System
Penilaiain education is one important aspect of education in order to understand how far the level of educational success. Through psychological studies we can understand what behavioral development of students obtained after following a specific educational activity or learning.In addition, psychological studies have contributed significantly in the measurement of the potential of every learner, especially after the development of various psychological tests, both to measure the level of intelligence, talent and personality of individuals lainnya.Kita know a number of psychological testing that is currently widely used to measure the potential of an individual, such as the Multiple Aptitude Test (MAT), Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), Epps and other measuring instruments.Understanding intelligence, talents, interests and other aspects of personality through psychological measurement, has significance for efforts to develop the individual education process so that in turn can be achieved optimal individual development.
Therefore, the importance of mastery of educational psychology for the teacher in carrying out professional duties.
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