One of the major problems in education in Indonesia is much discussed is the low quality of education is reflected in the low average academic achievement, especially high school students (high school). Another problem is that the approach to learning is still too dominated by the teacher (teacher centered). Teachers place students more as objects and not as a subject students. Education gives us less opportunity to students in various subjects, to develop the ability to think holistically (whole), creative, objective, and logical, not to take advantage of quantum learning as one of the interesting paradigm in learning, and less attention to individual learning completeness.
Similarly, the process of education in our school systems, generally do not apply the learning to students learning to master the material thoroughly. As a result, many students who do not master the learning material even though it was declared graduated from school. No wonder the quality of education nationwide is still low.
Implementation of Content Standards competency-based approach as an effort to improve educational conditions in the country has several reasons, among them:
1. potential learners is different, and that potential will grow if the proper stimulus;
2. quality of education remains low and ignore the moral aspects, morals, manners, arts and sports, and life skills (life skills);
3. global competition that allows only those who can be successful;
4. competition ability of HR (Human Resources), product education institutions;
5. competition that occurs in educational institutions, so we need a clear formulation of competency standards.
Efforts within the framework of improvement and development of competency-based curriculum includes: authority development, learning approach, structuring the content, as well as socialization models, more adapted to the development of the situation and conditions and the current era. Learning approach geared towards learners develop the ability to manage the acquisition of learning (competence) that best suit their respective conditions. Thus the learning process more referring to how students learn and are no longer on what is learned.
In accordance with the ideals of national education goals, teachers need to have some principles of teaching that refers to the internal upgrades learners in designing and implementing learning strategies. Improved internal potential eg by applying the kinds of learning strategies that enable learners to reach full competency, intact and contextual.
Speaking about the low absorptive capacity or achievement, or do not realize the skills and learning process that emphasizes the active role of learners, the core problem is the problem of "mastery learning" in which the minimum mastery level of achievement set for each individual competency. Problems learning completeness is an issue that is important, because about the future of learners, especially those who are experiencing learning difficulties.
Complete learning approach is one effort in education that aims to motivate learners achieve mastery (mastery level) against a particular competency. By placing a complete learning (mastery learning) as one of the key principles in supporting the implementation of competency-based curriculum, means that learning is something that must be thoroughly understood and implemented with the best by all citizens of the school. For that we need guidelines that provide direction and guidance for teachers and school community about how learning should be implemented thoroughly.
B. Basic Assumption
Learning method is a way to facilitate learners reach a certain competency. This applies to both teachers (in the selection of teaching methods) and for learners (in choosing a learning strategy). Thus the better method, the more effective will also achieve the learning objectives (Winarno Surahmad, 1982). Step learning method that was chosen to play the main role, which ended on increasing learning achievement of learners.
Thorough learning (mastery learning) in the process of competency-based learning is an approach intended in learning which requires students to master completely all the basic competency standards of competence and certain subjects. In the simplest model, proposed that if each student is given time in accordance with that required to achieve a level of mastery, and if he spends the time needed, it is probable that students will achieve mastery level competence. But if learners are not given enough time, or he can not use the full time required, then the mastery level of competency of learners are not yet optimal. Block (1971) stated level of competence mastery learners as follows:
mastery level of competency of learners
This model illustrates that the mastery level of competence (degree of learning) is determined by how much time is actually used (Actually time spent) to learn divided by the time it takes (time needed) to master certain competencies.
In conventional learning, aptitude (aptitude) of students scattered normally. If told they were given the same lesson in the amount of learning and the time available for learning, then learning results achieved will normally distributed as well. In this case it can be said that the relationship between talent and mastery level is high. The schematic concept of academic achievement as a result of learning with the conventional approach can be described as follows:
concept of learning achievement as a result of learning with the conventional approach
Conversely, if the talent is spread in a normal learners, and to them were given the same learning opportunities for every learner, but are given different treatment in the quality of learning, then it is probable that learners who can achieve mastery will multiply. In this case the relationship between talent with success will become increasingly smaller.
The schematic concept of academic achievement as a result of learning with complete learning approach, can be described as follows:
the impact of learning with the learning approach completely
From the above concepts, it seems quite clear that the expectation of learning with mastery learning approach is to enhance the average performance of students in learning by providing quality learning is more appropriate, assistance, and special attention for the slow learners to master competency standards or basic competence. From concept, to put forward key principles pembelalaran completed are:
1. Competency to be achieved learners formulated with a hierarchical order,
2. Evaluation of assessment used is the reference standard, and each competency should be given feedback,
3. Provision of remedial teaching and counseling are needed,
4. Providing enrichment programs for students who achieve mastery learning early. (Gentile & Lalley: 2003)
C. Learning the difference between renovation with Conventional Learning
Learning is a pattern completion using the principle of mastery learning on an individual basis. In the case of granting freedom to learn, and to reduce the failure of students in learning, mastery learning strategy adopted individual approach, in a sense though addressed to a group learning activity learners (classical), but to acknowledge and serve the individual differences of learners sedemikiah a way that with the application of thorough learning enables the development potential of each learner optimally. The rationale of mastery learning with individualized approach is the recognition of individual differences of each learner.
To realize the recognition and service to individual differences, learning to use the strategy developed is based on continuous learning (continuous progress). For that, a systems approach which is one of the basic principles of learning technology should actually be implemented. One way is the standard of competence and basic competencies should be clearly stated, and the learning is broken down into units (cremental units). Learners learn step by step and should learn the basic competencies following the master number of basic competencies established in accordance with certain criteria. In this pattern, a student who studies a particular learning unit can move to the next learning unit concerned if students have mastered at least 75% of the defined basic competencies. While conventional learning in this context is defined as learning in a context that was used to do classical, teacher-centered nature, so that its implementation is less attention to the overall learning situation (non-mastery learning).
By considering the above description can be argued that the distinction between complete learning with conventional learning is that learning thoroughly done through the principles of mastery learning, whereas the conventional learning in general less attention to mastery learning in particular thoroughness individual learners. By qualitative comparison to the two patterns can be observed in the following table,
Table 1: Qualitative Comparison between Conventional Learning Lessons Completed byDistinguishing Aspects of Learning Steps Completed Conventional LearningA. Preparation 1. Measured completeness of the performance level of students in each unit (unit of competency or basic skills). Each learner must achieve grades of 75 Measured performance of learners who performed at random2. Learning Events Unit Created to one week of learning, and used as guidance given to teachers and learners learners Created for one week's, and only used as guidelines for teachers3. Views on the ability of learners entering a particular learning unit is almost the same capability, but still there are variations in ability of students considered the sameB. Implementation of learning 4. Forms of learning in a single unit of competency or basic skills Implemented through a classical approach, group and individual practices are applied entirely through the classical approach5. Ways of learning in every standard of competence or learning basic competence through teacher explanation (lecture), and controlled independently read, discuss, and learn individually Performed by listening (lecture), frequently asked questions, and read (not controlled)6. Orientation learning performance of learners at the terminal (or the basic skills competency) by an individual in the learning materials7. The role of teachers as managers of learning to meet the needs of the students individually as managers of learning to meet the needs of all students in class8. Intended to focus the learning activities of each individual learner Intended to students with high ability9. Determination of decisions about the learning unit Specified by students with teacher assistance Determined solely by the teacherC. Feedback 10. Feedback instruments Using various types and forms of bills on an ongoing basis to rely on the use of more objective test for a fragment of time11. How to help learners Using a system of tutors in group discussions (small-group learning activities) and conducted by an individual tutor Conducted by the teacher in a classical form of question and answer
D. Indicators of Learning Implementation Completed
1. Learning Methods
Actually completed the learning strategy adopted individual approach, in the sense that although learning activities addressed to a group of learners (classical), but also recognize and provide services in accordance with individual differences of learners, so learning enables the development potential of each learner optimally.
The steps are:
* Identify the prerequisites (prerequisite),
* Create a test to measure progress and achievement of competencies,
* Measure the achievement of the competence of learners.
Learning method that is emphasized in the learning to individual learning thoroughly, learning with friends or colleagues (peer instruction), and worked in small groups. Various types of methods (multiple methods) of learning should be used for classes or groups.
Learning completely rely heavily on tutorial approach with a session-session small group, of a person's tutorial, programmed learning, work books, games and computer-based learning (Kindsvatter, 1996)
2. Teacher Role
Complete learning strategy emphasizes the role or responsibility of the teacher in encouraging the success of individual learners. The approach used a model approach Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) as developed by Keller, a greater emphasis on interaction between learners with materials / learning objects.
The role of teachers should be intensified in the following:
* Describe / break KD (Basic Competence) into units (units) are smaller with respect to knowledge preconditions.
* Develop indicators based on the SK / KD.
* Presenting learning materials in various forms
* Monitor all learners work
* Assessing student progress in achieving the competencies (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective)
* Using diagnostic techniques
* Provides a number of alternative learning strategies for students who have difficulty
3. Role of Learners
Curriculum Education Unit which has a competency-based approach to highly value and puts the role of students as subjects students. Learning programs focus not on "Master and who will do" but on "Learners and who will do". Therefore, thorough learning allows students more flexibility in determining the amount of study time required. This means that learners are given freedom in determining the speed of the achievement of competence. The progress of students is based on individual effort and perseverance.
4. Evaluation
It is important to note that the mastery learning in the curriculum is determined by reference to the benchmark assessment (criterion referenced) on each competency basis and not determined based on norms (norm referenced). In this case learning completeness limit should be set by teachers, such as whether students must score 75, 65, 55, or until the value of how a dinyatakatan learners achieve mastery in learning.
Basic assumptions are:
* That everyone can learn anything, just take a different,
* The standard should be established first, and the results of the evaluation is passed or not passed. (Gentile & Lalley: 2003)
Evaluation system uses continuous assessment, which characteristics are:
* Deuteronomy carried out to see the completeness of each Basic Competence
* Deuteronomy can be composed of one or more of the Basic Competency (KD)
* The tests were analyzed and followed up through remedial and enrichment programs.
* Deuteronomy includes aspects of cognitive and psychomotor
* Affective aspect was measured through affective inventory activities such as observation, questionnaires, etc..
Assessment system includes billing type and form of instrument / questions. In tests of learning thoroughly prepared on the indicators sought as a means of diagnosis of the learning program. By using the diagnostic tests, well-designed, learner is possible to assess their own test results, including to identify where he had difficulty immediately. While determining the achievement of learning completeness limit, although it is generally agreed on the scores / grades of 75 (75%) but limit the thoroughness of the most realistic or most appropriate is determined by the subject teachers, thus allowing the existence of differences in determining the completeness limit for each KD or at any school and / or regions.
Given the speed of each learner in the achievement of KD is not the same, then learning occurs in learning speed difference between learners who are very clever and intelligent, with a less clever in achieving competence. While the competency-based learning requires the achievement of completeness in the achievement of competence for the entire basic competency on an individual basis. The implications of these principles requires the implementation of remedial programs and enrichment as an integral part of the implementation of complete learning system.
Taken and Adapted from:
Ministry of Education. 2008. Completed Learning Implementation Guide (Mastery-Learning) Jakarta: Directorate General for Primary and Secondary Education. Directorate of Secondary School
Similarly, the process of education in our school systems, generally do not apply the learning to students learning to master the material thoroughly. As a result, many students who do not master the learning material even though it was declared graduated from school. No wonder the quality of education nationwide is still low.
Implementation of Content Standards competency-based approach as an effort to improve educational conditions in the country has several reasons, among them:
1. potential learners is different, and that potential will grow if the proper stimulus;
2. quality of education remains low and ignore the moral aspects, morals, manners, arts and sports, and life skills (life skills);
3. global competition that allows only those who can be successful;
4. competition ability of HR (Human Resources), product education institutions;
5. competition that occurs in educational institutions, so we need a clear formulation of competency standards.
Efforts within the framework of improvement and development of competency-based curriculum includes: authority development, learning approach, structuring the content, as well as socialization models, more adapted to the development of the situation and conditions and the current era. Learning approach geared towards learners develop the ability to manage the acquisition of learning (competence) that best suit their respective conditions. Thus the learning process more referring to how students learn and are no longer on what is learned.
In accordance with the ideals of national education goals, teachers need to have some principles of teaching that refers to the internal upgrades learners in designing and implementing learning strategies. Improved internal potential eg by applying the kinds of learning strategies that enable learners to reach full competency, intact and contextual.
Speaking about the low absorptive capacity or achievement, or do not realize the skills and learning process that emphasizes the active role of learners, the core problem is the problem of "mastery learning" in which the minimum mastery level of achievement set for each individual competency. Problems learning completeness is an issue that is important, because about the future of learners, especially those who are experiencing learning difficulties.
Complete learning approach is one effort in education that aims to motivate learners achieve mastery (mastery level) against a particular competency. By placing a complete learning (mastery learning) as one of the key principles in supporting the implementation of competency-based curriculum, means that learning is something that must be thoroughly understood and implemented with the best by all citizens of the school. For that we need guidelines that provide direction and guidance for teachers and school community about how learning should be implemented thoroughly.
B. Basic Assumption
Learning method is a way to facilitate learners reach a certain competency. This applies to both teachers (in the selection of teaching methods) and for learners (in choosing a learning strategy). Thus the better method, the more effective will also achieve the learning objectives (Winarno Surahmad, 1982). Step learning method that was chosen to play the main role, which ended on increasing learning achievement of learners.
Thorough learning (mastery learning) in the process of competency-based learning is an approach intended in learning which requires students to master completely all the basic competency standards of competence and certain subjects. In the simplest model, proposed that if each student is given time in accordance with that required to achieve a level of mastery, and if he spends the time needed, it is probable that students will achieve mastery level competence. But if learners are not given enough time, or he can not use the full time required, then the mastery level of competency of learners are not yet optimal. Block (1971) stated level of competence mastery learners as follows:
mastery level of competency of learners
This model illustrates that the mastery level of competence (degree of learning) is determined by how much time is actually used (Actually time spent) to learn divided by the time it takes (time needed) to master certain competencies.
In conventional learning, aptitude (aptitude) of students scattered normally. If told they were given the same lesson in the amount of learning and the time available for learning, then learning results achieved will normally distributed as well. In this case it can be said that the relationship between talent and mastery level is high. The schematic concept of academic achievement as a result of learning with the conventional approach can be described as follows:
concept of learning achievement as a result of learning with the conventional approach
Conversely, if the talent is spread in a normal learners, and to them were given the same learning opportunities for every learner, but are given different treatment in the quality of learning, then it is probable that learners who can achieve mastery will multiply. In this case the relationship between talent with success will become increasingly smaller.
The schematic concept of academic achievement as a result of learning with complete learning approach, can be described as follows:
the impact of learning with the learning approach completely
From the above concepts, it seems quite clear that the expectation of learning with mastery learning approach is to enhance the average performance of students in learning by providing quality learning is more appropriate, assistance, and special attention for the slow learners to master competency standards or basic competence. From concept, to put forward key principles pembelalaran completed are:
1. Competency to be achieved learners formulated with a hierarchical order,
2. Evaluation of assessment used is the reference standard, and each competency should be given feedback,
3. Provision of remedial teaching and counseling are needed,
4. Providing enrichment programs for students who achieve mastery learning early. (Gentile & Lalley: 2003)
C. Learning the difference between renovation with Conventional Learning
Learning is a pattern completion using the principle of mastery learning on an individual basis. In the case of granting freedom to learn, and to reduce the failure of students in learning, mastery learning strategy adopted individual approach, in a sense though addressed to a group learning activity learners (classical), but to acknowledge and serve the individual differences of learners sedemikiah a way that with the application of thorough learning enables the development potential of each learner optimally. The rationale of mastery learning with individualized approach is the recognition of individual differences of each learner.
To realize the recognition and service to individual differences, learning to use the strategy developed is based on continuous learning (continuous progress). For that, a systems approach which is one of the basic principles of learning technology should actually be implemented. One way is the standard of competence and basic competencies should be clearly stated, and the learning is broken down into units (cremental units). Learners learn step by step and should learn the basic competencies following the master number of basic competencies established in accordance with certain criteria. In this pattern, a student who studies a particular learning unit can move to the next learning unit concerned if students have mastered at least 75% of the defined basic competencies. While conventional learning in this context is defined as learning in a context that was used to do classical, teacher-centered nature, so that its implementation is less attention to the overall learning situation (non-mastery learning).
By considering the above description can be argued that the distinction between complete learning with conventional learning is that learning thoroughly done through the principles of mastery learning, whereas the conventional learning in general less attention to mastery learning in particular thoroughness individual learners. By qualitative comparison to the two patterns can be observed in the following table,
Table 1: Qualitative Comparison between Conventional Learning Lessons Completed byDistinguishing Aspects of Learning Steps Completed Conventional LearningA. Preparation 1. Measured completeness of the performance level of students in each unit (unit of competency or basic skills). Each learner must achieve grades of 75 Measured performance of learners who performed at random2. Learning Events Unit Created to one week of learning, and used as guidance given to teachers and learners learners Created for one week's, and only used as guidelines for teachers3. Views on the ability of learners entering a particular learning unit is almost the same capability, but still there are variations in ability of students considered the sameB. Implementation of learning 4. Forms of learning in a single unit of competency or basic skills Implemented through a classical approach, group and individual practices are applied entirely through the classical approach5. Ways of learning in every standard of competence or learning basic competence through teacher explanation (lecture), and controlled independently read, discuss, and learn individually Performed by listening (lecture), frequently asked questions, and read (not controlled)6. Orientation learning performance of learners at the terminal (or the basic skills competency) by an individual in the learning materials7. The role of teachers as managers of learning to meet the needs of the students individually as managers of learning to meet the needs of all students in class8. Intended to focus the learning activities of each individual learner Intended to students with high ability9. Determination of decisions about the learning unit Specified by students with teacher assistance Determined solely by the teacherC. Feedback 10. Feedback instruments Using various types and forms of bills on an ongoing basis to rely on the use of more objective test for a fragment of time11. How to help learners Using a system of tutors in group discussions (small-group learning activities) and conducted by an individual tutor Conducted by the teacher in a classical form of question and answer
D. Indicators of Learning Implementation Completed
1. Learning Methods
Actually completed the learning strategy adopted individual approach, in the sense that although learning activities addressed to a group of learners (classical), but also recognize and provide services in accordance with individual differences of learners, so learning enables the development potential of each learner optimally.
The steps are:
* Identify the prerequisites (prerequisite),
* Create a test to measure progress and achievement of competencies,
* Measure the achievement of the competence of learners.
Learning method that is emphasized in the learning to individual learning thoroughly, learning with friends or colleagues (peer instruction), and worked in small groups. Various types of methods (multiple methods) of learning should be used for classes or groups.
Learning completely rely heavily on tutorial approach with a session-session small group, of a person's tutorial, programmed learning, work books, games and computer-based learning (Kindsvatter, 1996)
2. Teacher Role
Complete learning strategy emphasizes the role or responsibility of the teacher in encouraging the success of individual learners. The approach used a model approach Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) as developed by Keller, a greater emphasis on interaction between learners with materials / learning objects.
The role of teachers should be intensified in the following:
* Describe / break KD (Basic Competence) into units (units) are smaller with respect to knowledge preconditions.
* Develop indicators based on the SK / KD.
* Presenting learning materials in various forms
* Monitor all learners work
* Assessing student progress in achieving the competencies (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective)
* Using diagnostic techniques
* Provides a number of alternative learning strategies for students who have difficulty
3. Role of Learners
Curriculum Education Unit which has a competency-based approach to highly value and puts the role of students as subjects students. Learning programs focus not on "Master and who will do" but on "Learners and who will do". Therefore, thorough learning allows students more flexibility in determining the amount of study time required. This means that learners are given freedom in determining the speed of the achievement of competence. The progress of students is based on individual effort and perseverance.
4. Evaluation
It is important to note that the mastery learning in the curriculum is determined by reference to the benchmark assessment (criterion referenced) on each competency basis and not determined based on norms (norm referenced). In this case learning completeness limit should be set by teachers, such as whether students must score 75, 65, 55, or until the value of how a dinyatakatan learners achieve mastery in learning.
Basic assumptions are:
* That everyone can learn anything, just take a different,
* The standard should be established first, and the results of the evaluation is passed or not passed. (Gentile & Lalley: 2003)
Evaluation system uses continuous assessment, which characteristics are:
* Deuteronomy carried out to see the completeness of each Basic Competence
* Deuteronomy can be composed of one or more of the Basic Competency (KD)
* The tests were analyzed and followed up through remedial and enrichment programs.
* Deuteronomy includes aspects of cognitive and psychomotor
* Affective aspect was measured through affective inventory activities such as observation, questionnaires, etc..
Assessment system includes billing type and form of instrument / questions. In tests of learning thoroughly prepared on the indicators sought as a means of diagnosis of the learning program. By using the diagnostic tests, well-designed, learner is possible to assess their own test results, including to identify where he had difficulty immediately. While determining the achievement of learning completeness limit, although it is generally agreed on the scores / grades of 75 (75%) but limit the thoroughness of the most realistic or most appropriate is determined by the subject teachers, thus allowing the existence of differences in determining the completeness limit for each KD or at any school and / or regions.
Given the speed of each learner in the achievement of KD is not the same, then learning occurs in learning speed difference between learners who are very clever and intelligent, with a less clever in achieving competence. While the competency-based learning requires the achievement of completeness in the achievement of competence for the entire basic competency on an individual basis. The implications of these principles requires the implementation of remedial programs and enrichment as an integral part of the implementation of complete learning system.
Taken and Adapted from:
Ministry of Education. 2008. Completed Learning Implementation Guide (Mastery-Learning) Jakarta: Directorate General for Primary and Secondary Education. Directorate of Secondary School
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