
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Psychology of Learning and Teaching

Psychology is a science that examines individual behavior in interacting with their environment. The behavior in question is, motor behavior is behavior in the form of movement. Cognitive behavior is behavior in the form of how individuals know dis ekitarnya natural. Conative behavior is behavior in the form of encouragement from within the individual. Affective behavior is behavior in the form of feeling or emotion.
The main approaches in psychology are:Behaviorism approach, preferring things that are visible from the individual. Behavior is anything that can be observed by the sensory organs as a result of interaction with lingkungnnya. Psychoanalytic approach, preferring things that are under individual consciousness. Cognitive approaches, behavior as an internal process, which is an input-output process of reception and processing of information, to then generate output. Humanistic approach, that the man had initially had the urge to realize himself as a man in his neighborhood. Neurobiology approach linking individual behavior with events in the brain and nerves.Educational psychology is the branch of psychology specifically examine various inddividu behavior in relation to education, the aim is to find facts, generalizations, and psychological theories relating to education for use in an effort melaskanakan effective educational process.The role of psychology in the learning and teaching are: understanding the student as a student, understand the principles and theories of learning, selecting teaching methods, establish learning goals, create a conducive learning situation, select and specify the content of teaching, helping students getting kesultan in learning, choosing teaching aids, assess learning outcomes, memaham personality and the teaching profession, personality membimgbing students.
Comments / reflections:Psychology is a science because psychology uses scientific methods. Educational psychology is very important to be studied, understood, and reviewed by the student teacher. Because education is an activity that involves individuals who behave that became involved in education. They should be involved to show behavior after for the education process can take place effectively in accordance with the basis and objectives to be achieved.
Learning is a process conducted by an individual to obtain a new perubahanperilakuu as a whole, as a result of the individual's own experience in the interaction with the environment. Some of the principles that became the foundation of understanding is this:

1. Learning as an attempt to obtain a change in behavior. This principle means that prosees learning is a change in behavior within the individual.
2. Results pembelajarn marked by changes in overall behavior.
3. Learning is a process. This principle implies that learning is a continuous activity.
4. The learning process occurs because of something that is encouraged and there is sustu goals to be achieved.
5. Learning is an experience.
Comments / reflections:Learning is the most important activities in the education process at school. For that the understanding of a teacher towards the understanding of learning will affect the way teachers teach. In this chapter discussed the notion of learning and linkages with other terms. To that can be used as a reference for learning the meaning mengetahhui keberhasilsan for achieving the goals of education can be achieved denggan effective.
The learning process is the process of changing the behavior of individuals in an effort to meet their needs. Halini means that individuals will do activities to learn if she faces a situation that needs can not be met by instinct or habit.
The learning process is an activity as follows:

1. Individuals feel the need and saw the goal to be achieved.
2. Readiness (readiness) of individuals to determine their needs and achieve goals.
3. Understanding the environmental situation.
4. Mentafsirkan situation ie how individuals view the links contained in the various aspects of the situation.
5. Follow-back (response)
6. Result (outcome) learning.
Results of the learning process is to change individual behavior. Individuals will acquire new behaviors, living, functional, positive, conscious, and so on. Changes in behavior as a result of learning is the overall behavior that includes aspects kognitiif, conative, affective, and motor.The types of learning on the basis of aspects of learning to be achieved, namely: learning skills, learning attitude, and learning knowledge. From its distinguished between formal learning, informal and non formal.
Comments / reflections:In this third chapter discusses the process of learning, which can be learned how the learning process can take place effectively in accordance with the needs and objectives. Hasildari learning process there are two possibilities of success or failure. If the result of success then achieved all its goals and will gain satisfaction and if it fails to Mersa disappointed. Here, teachers are expected to help students who fail to keep them from despair and able to learn deengan good.
The theory is a tool of organized prinssip principles concerning certain events in the environment. Characteristics of a theory is to provide a conceptual framework for a iinformasi and to principles that can be tested. The function of learning theory in education is:

1. Provide reference lines for the design of teaching.
2. Assessing the results have been achieved for use in the classroom.
3. Diagnosing the problems in the classroom.
4. Assessing the results of research conducted berdasarrkan certain theories.
Behaviorism learning theory which argues that behavior melelui perkaiatan formed between the stimulus (stimulus) with a follow-back (response). More behavior change because of environmental influences. Behaviorism theory distinguished between classical theory and the theory pelaziman pelaziman operand. Pelaziman classical theory was pioneered by Ivan Pavlov, concept or principle of learning, namely:

1. Excitation (pergetaran) that a stimulus is not natural to membangkitkanreaksi terazim or certain cells, which can lead to acts of revenge.
2. Irradiaton (transmission) that is the reaction of other cells which differ in some kawasann sl-cell bekenan debgan rangasangan not terlazim.
3. Stimulus generalization (stimulus generalization), ie situations where individual acts of revenge memberika the same to ranggsangan tertentuu that have similar though not identical.
4. Extintion (penghapuan) is a not reply secarra will disappear slowly if the less keterkaitann with no terlazim stimulation.
Characters theory pelaziman operand is Throndike, basically learning poses a coaching relationship between certain stimuli with certain behaviors. All learning is done through a trial-and-wrong prroses (trial and error). There are three laws of learning that is the law of (law of effect) suggests that the relationship between stimuli and behavior will be more robust when there is satisfaction, and will be increasingly weakened in case of dissatisfaction, the law practice (law of exercise) provides a stimulus and the behavior will be more robust if frequent practice, and legal preparedness (law of readiness) states that the relationship of stimulation and behavior will be more robust if accompanied by the readiness of the individual.Gestalt learning theory, in this view of learning is a cognitive phenomenon that involves the perception of an object, person, or event in different ways yng. Some applications tori gestalt in the learning process is the experience of insight (insight), meaningful learning (meaningful learning), behavioral objective (purposive behavior), the principle ruangg life (life space), and transfer in learning.
Comments / reflections:Basically teoori-learning theory according to experts with rangssangan serprti behaviorism theory and stimulus and Gestalt, k eduannya have the same fingsi pendididkan process
Theory of cognitive development is one aspect of mental development which aims to: (1) memissahkan reality with fantasy, (2) explore the reality and discover its laws, (3) selecting the facts that are useful for life, (4) determine the true reality behind something that appears. Cognitive developments is a process in which individual goals through a ranggkaian which kualittatiif beerbeda with thinking. Kgnitif development is the growth of logical thinking from infancy to adulthood, which berrlangsung melali four ranks, namely:

1. Rating sensory motor (0 to 1.5 years), activities centered on lat kognitip senses (sensory) and motor (motor). This activity is formed through a process of physical adjustment as a result of inteeraksi with liingkungan.
2. Pre-operational ratings (1.5 to 6 years), berfikirnya activity does not have an organized system. This way of thinking is not systematic, inconsistent and illogical.
3. Rating concrete operational (6-12 years), cognitive development, concrete operations on the ranking, giving the children skills relating to the classification concepts, relations and quantities.
4. Rating formal operational (12 years and over), cognitive development is characterized by kemmpuan individuals to think hypothetically and different from the facts, understand abstract concepts.
Impilkasi Piaget's theory of cognitive development in teaching, among others:

1. Language and the way children think differently from adults and therefore the teacher should teach the language menggnakan yan accordance with fig thinking child.
2. Children will beajar better if it can deal with good dnan environment. Teachers must help to be able to interact with the environment denggan tub.
3. The material will be studied children should feel new but familiar.
4. Give opportunities for children willing to learn in accordance with its development ranks.
5. In the classroom children should be given the opportunity to talk to each other and beriskusi with his friends.
Information processing theory (Robert Gagne), the result of human learning is essentially cumulative, meaning that the outcome of learning achieved by individuals is a collection of all-hail the day after the inter-related learning. Learning occurs processes the information received and processed to produce output in the form of learning outcomes. Ranking in the learning process according to the theory of Gagne through phases: (1) motivation, (2) understanding, (3) acquisition, (4) detention, (5) recall, (6) generalization, (7) treatment, (8) bait behind. In each phase a certain processing occurs.
In connection with the teaching of teaching there are nine steps are:

1. Undertake measures to attract students' attention.
2. Provide information to students about teaching purposes.
3. Stimulate students to undertake learning activities.
4. Delivering content that will be discussed according to topic.
5. Provide guidance for student activities.
6. Provide reassurance to students' learning behavior.
7. Umppan Giving back to the behavior shown students.
8. Implement the assessment process and learning outcomes.
9. Provide opportunities for students to remember and use the learning outcomes.
Cognitive social learning theory, called this theory because the cognitive processes that occur in the individual play a role in learning, learning edangkan occurs because of the influence of social lingkunggan. I will observe the behavior of individual neighborhood as a model, then so be imitated his behavior. Thus this theory called the theory of learning through imitation. The behavior of individuals is formed through the imitation of behavior in lingkuna, p embelajaran is a proess how to make the best imitation that corresponds with the situation himself and his purpose.
Comments / reflections:The theories of learning that should go in mind is diverse and kesemuannya instrumental to the process of learning and teaching. As according to teoriperkembangan cognitive learning process will be successful if tailored to students' ratings of cognitive development. Students should be given the opportunity to experiment with physical objects which are supported by the interaction with peers, and aided by the insight question of the teacher and the teacher should be a lot to give to students for your rrangsanan berinteraksii with lingkunganya and actively seek and find different things from their environment. According to social cognitive learning theory that emphasizes the imitation of that in teaching in the classroom teacher should be a figure of conduct for all students. Cognitive processes students should get attention from the teacher, then the environment should provide support for the learning process, and teachers help students develop the learning behaviors.
Student learning behavior, in educational psychology, learning is defined as a process of individual effort to obtain a new behavior changes as a result penglaman keseeluruhan the individual in interaction with the environment. In connection with this learning process, which should be known betuloleh the teachers is what is referred to as metacognition and social-psychological perceptions of students. What dimaksd with metacognition is knowledge of an individual learning processes and outcomes that occurred within him and related matters. This means that, for the process of learning can take place effectively, the student should be able to know the process and outcomes that occurred within him. For that mamppu teachers should know and help students. What is meant by socio-psychological perception is how far the students perceive the learning process that goes along with situations that effect.Behavioral results of learning include cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Teachers are highly expected to anticipate aspects of these behavioral changes that began with the planning of teaching and learning activities, and develop it after learning activities over. With effective learning behaviors accompanied by appropriate teaching process, the teaching-learning process is expected to produce humans that have the characteristics as: (1) personal independence, (2) an effective learner, (3) workers who are productive, (4 ) members of the public good. To realize such human qualities, then there is the four-quality learning that must be developed within the students, yiatu: (1) learn to be a (learning to do), (2) learning to learn (learning to learn), (3) learning to do (learning to do), (4) learn to live together (learning to live together)Teaching behaviors of teachers, teachers are able to realize the flow required to teach proper behavior in order to become effective learning perilku in Siwa. Teachers are also in demand to create a situation conducive Study abroad-menajar. Teachers are not limited as a lecturer in the sense that conveys knowledge, but rather increased as a designer of teaching, teaching managers, evaluators learning outcomes and as director of learning.In realizing tept teaching behavior, teacher characteristics that are expected are:

1. Has interest in the lessons and he taught pelaajaran eye.
2. Have the ability to predict personality accurately ddan mood and make contact with the group as appropriate.
3. Have patience, friendliness, and sensitivity needed to foster the spirit of learning.
4. Having imaginative thinking (conceptual) and practical in an attempt to give an explanation to pesrta students.
5. Having an adequate qualification in the field, both the content and methods.
6. Having an open, flexible and dams experimental methods and techniques.
Teachers will teach well when the basic attitude is right, the correct target, the necessary factual information, understand the various methods and techniques and know how to select it, and assist students in planning follow-upManifestations of teacher behavior as a teacher and student as the student will nampk on the interaction between the two. In this interaction occurs processes influence each other so that there is a change of behavior on self-learners in the achievement of learning outcomes. At least there are three things in a student-teacher interaction is belaja process, teaching methods, and patterns of interaction.Learning model which is considered quite comprehensive, developed by Ernest Chang and Don Simpson, "The circle of learning: Individual and Group Process" according to this model, pembeljaran can take place not only individual responsibility, but can be in the form of collaborative groups through the process of life. This model is based on the paradigm of the relationship between activity and orientation. In the ongoing process of learning there are two dimensions are dimensions of learning activity and process-oriented dimension. Two-dimensional relationship that produces four patterns of learning are: (1) traditional lectures or traditional lecture, (2) self-study or independent study, (3) concurrent learning or shared learning, (4) colaborative learning or collaborative learning.
Comments / reflections:In this chapter we can know and apply bebgai psychological aspects in the overall educational activities especially during the teaching-learning process. What ibicarakn psychological aspect here is that terkit aspects of individual behavior with the teaching-learning process. As we know in the process of this activity involves individual intraksi between students and teachers prilkunya aspect means learning behavior of students and teachers to teach behavior.In realizing the process of effective and efficient teaching and learning behaviors of students and the teachers' teaching behaviors can be dinamiskan well. Lecturer (teacher) should be able to realize appropriate teaching behaviors to be able to realize the learning behavior of students through teaching and learning interactions effective in the teaching-learning situations conducive.
Motivation can be interpreted as an attempt to cause or increase the impetus to realize certain behaviors are directed to achieving a particular goal. Learning behavior occurs in situations of teaching and learning interactions in achieving goals and learning outcomes. In various theoretical studies, there were close links between satisfaction yng achieved in the premises elajar performance and motivation. Satisfaction obtained from prosse students learn to demonstrate performance and to increase motivation to learn. The performance achieved by a person can get satisfaction and then to increase motivation, in this connection should be able to cause an atmosphere of learning in such a way as to give satisfaction to produce a good performance. Factors affecting student satisfaction in learning that reward learning achievement, a sense of security in the study, adequate learning conditions, opportunities to expand the self, personal relationships.There are several principles of motivation that can be used as a reference that is the principle of competition, the principle driver, prinsipganjaran and punishments, goal clarity and closeness, understanding the results, peengembangan interests, a conducive environment, exemplary.Observation and attention is an aspect of behavior that has an important role in learning proese. Effectiveness of a pross peembelajaran kulitas be much affected by observation and attention given. Observation or perception, is one form of cognitive behavior, which is a process familiar environment using sensory organs. Prosses pengmatn occurs because of stimulation from the environment received by individuals denan enggunaan sense organ. Stimulation was then forwarded to the center of consciousness, the brain for later diberika meaning and interpretation. Judging from the proportion of use of force senses there are some observations which are: the style of visual observation, auditif style, style tactile, kinesthetic style.Attention can be defined as an increase in mental activity to a particular stimulus. More focused attention to individual observations to a stimulus, sehinnga observations become more effective. Teachers can help students maintain focus perhatan in the learning process with any of the following:

* Cues, give certain cues to students at the time to start lessons or at the turn of events.
* Movement, always moving and traveling to the entire class during the present lesson.
* Variations, using style variations in teaching style.
* Interests, provide the interest the students before and during proes teaching.
* Questions, ask questions during the teaching process progresses, encourage students to give answers premises their own words.
A learning process will take place effectively if the information learned can be remembered properly and avoid forgetting. Remembering is a process of receiving, storing, and issue a return inforrmasi-information that was received through observation, then stored in the center of consciousness (brain) after a given interpretation.What is meant by the transfer of learning is to transfer the learning outcomes of a situation other situai kee. Tanfer will happen apabla there are similarities between the learning that one with another situation.In the process of learning needs is the source of the emergence of motivation. Requirements (need) can be interpreted as a lack of self sitiasi menunutut inividu and gratification in order to function effectively. Needs a source of motivation that encourages the emergence of individuals to behave.
Comments / reflections:In this chapter discusses some aspects of psychology that tekait with the learning process and consider the concept of psychological pengajaran.dengan expected teachers can develop learning strategies as effectively as possible. Aspects of the topics discussed were:

1. Motivation, in relation to the teachers have responsibilities and obligations to motivate learning and help to avoid the possibility of frustration.
2. Observation and attention, in activities at school the teacher must arrange for students to make observations that effective learning outcomes in order to obtain the best possible. In teaching should provide students untmlakukan pengamtan kesempatann epada good.
3. Remembering and forgetting, the task of teachers is to help siswwa in the learning process for the materials studied students can remember dnga good and avoid forgetting.
4. Transer in learning.
5. Individual needs.
Education is realized through the teaching process. The process of effective teaching through teaching meliki formed characteristics as follows:

1. Student-centered
2. Educational interaction between teachers and students
3. Democratic atmosphere
4. Variation of teaching methods
5. Teacher professional
6. Materials suitable and useful
7. Environment conducive
8. Learning tools that support
Models of teaching are grouped in four clusters namely

1. Genetic information processing model, the model is oriented to students' proficiency dam process information. comprising: an inductive thinking model, training model inkuri, inkuri science, invention concept, cognitive growth, advanced styling model and memory.
2. Clumps of personal models, these models are oriented to the individual and the development of ego (selfhood), consisting of: non-directive teaching, awareness training, sinektik, conceptual systems and a class meeting.
3. Genetic model of social interaction, this model emphasizes individual relationships with other people or society, consisting of; determination of the group, inquiry (social invention), laboratory methods, jurisprudensial, play a role, the model advanced styling, and social simulation.
4. Genetic model of behavior (behavior), this model emphasizes the behavioral aspects of psychological and behavioral changes that can not be observed, consisting of: contingency management, self control, relaxation, stress reduction, assertiveness training desensitasi, direct training.
Comments / reflections:In this chapter include the psychology of learning in which there is effective teaching process. In order to place the teaching process like that then the teacher should be able to create the teaching process in a good learning atmosphere. Furthermore, the familiar teaching models, as we all know that teaching is the main task of a teacher, with the existing discussion in this chapter, can be expected when being a teacher to know the models of teaching and selecting appropriate, in accordance with the capabilities and state-owned environment.
Role (role) means that the overall behavior of teachers who should be teachers in performing their duties as teachers. In the family perperan teachers as educators in the family or a family educator, while in the community, act as a mentor teacher (social developer), driving (social motivation), inventor (social innovators) and as agents of society (social agent).
Several factors influence the performance of teachers:

1. employee benefits
2. sense of security in employment
3. good working conditions
4. self-development opportunities
5. personal relationships
Teacher competency is knowledge, attitudes, and skills that must exist in someone to show for his behavior as a teacher. Teacher competence includes personal competence, professional competence, social competence, intellectual competence and spiritual competence. Professional teachers are teachers who have the expertise, responsibility and sense kesejawatan supported by a strong professional ethics.Personality is the overall behavior of the various qualitative aspects will form the uniqueness or the uniqueness of a person in interaction with the environment in various situations and conditions. Within the scope of education, teacher performance is a very important thing to realize is tapat databases must address satisfying and effective. Thus the main characteristic of a teacher is the ability to realize the appearance quality of the interaction of personality in the best possible education for the needs and goals are reached effectively.
Comments / reflections:In the whole process of education, especially at school teacher plays the most important, the behavior of teachers in the educational process will give effect to coaching students. In a psychology teacher in this chapter is a psychological study of various aspects of teacher behavior typical in the education process at school.

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